When the world pivoted to remote working in 2020, you made sure you could still do business while protecting your workers.
For many companies, this has become an indefinite dynamic, so it’s time to develop solid strategies to work effectively as a team.
Here are a few tips for helping your teams work together as efficiently as possible.

1. Encourage video communication
If your employees worked in a shared office before the pandemic, they learned key information in meetings or even in passing. Video calls give employees a designated time to share the latest developments, ask questions, and resolve conflicts, as well as keeping that team spirit alive.
2. Check in on employees
Up to 53 percent of American adults have reported that the coronavirus has had a negative effect on their mental health. Set up regular one-to-one catch-ups and keep the team or company-wide chat channels open for relaxed water cooler-style communication.
3. Use the right software
There are plenty of systems and software out there for establishing secure and effective collaboration while working remotely. Find a way to chat, share work, and track progress while collaborating on projects.
4. Set and measure goals
Clear goals rather than hours worked will keep your employees motivated throughout the day. The trust you have placed in them to get their tasks done will improve morale and help team members to feel united around a common goal.
5. Assess progress and regroup with a meeting at the beginning of each week
Establish regular meetings to assess progress and connect. This keeps employees motivated to work hard and provide valuable updates each week while also preserving the vital interpersonal bonds with coworkers.
6. Offer education to maintain security
With remote work comes the added risk of cyberattacks on businesses. Offer security training, so employees are on the same page regarding protocols and security issues that don’t disrupt their projects.
For more, watch Sealit video here: