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How to Use Email Encryption to Protect Your Client's Financial Data

Updated: May 17, 2024

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Email is the largest method of communication for many businesses. It's quick, convenient, and easy to use. However, email is also vulnerable to security threats like hacking and malware. One way to protect your email communications is by using email encryption. This process scrambles the content of an email so that the sender and the intended recipient are the only ones that can read it. Email encryption is an important security measure for any business that deals with sensitive information, such as financial data. This article will explain how to use email encryption to protect your client's financial data. We will also give tips on how to choose the right email encryption solution for your business. 

How to Protect Clients Financial Data

What is Email Encryption, and Why is it Important 


Email encryption is the step by step process of transforming readable emails into unreadable code that only the intended recipient can decode. This is important because it helps keep the email's contents private. 

Email encryption is essential for both individuals and businesses. Email encryption can protect sensitive information like medical records and financial information for individuals. Email encryption can help protect company secrets and other confidential business information for businesses. 



How does Encryption Work? 


Encryption is performed using a key, which is a piece of cryptographic information that controls the cryptographic process and allows data to be encrypted and decrypted. The key is used to scramble the data in a way that makes it unreadable without the decryption key. 

When the data is readable, it is referred to as plaintext, and its encrypted form is called ciphertext. Encryption controls the conversion of data from plaintext to ciphertext and vice versa as needed for data privacy. 

Encryption is a vital part of keeping data safe and secure. It is commonly used in electronic communications, such as email and instant messaging, to protect information from being accessed by anyone other than the email's intended recipient.  



Types of Encryption 


There are two primary types of encryption: symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetric encryption is when the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt a message. Asymmetric encryption is when two seperate keys are used for encryption and decryption of an email. The most common type of asymmetric encryption is public key encryption, which one public key and one private key. In email encryption, users should share their public key with any user who wants to send them an email. That key will be used to encrypt data, and the only key that can be used to decrypt that information will be the recipient's private key. This helps to ensure that no one else can read that message.  


There are pros and cons to using both types of encryption. Symmetric encryption is faster and easier to implement but can be more vulnerable to attacks because it requires sharing the key used for decryption with multiple entities. Asymmetric encryption is slower and more complex, but it is more secure because the key used for decryption is never shared. 

Which type of encryption you choose will depend on your needs. If security is your main concern, then asymmetric encryption is the way to go. If speed and simplicity are your main concerns, symmetric encryption may be the better option. 



Best Platforms for Email Encryption 


There are many email platforms available that offer encryption services. However, not all of them are equally secure. In this section, we will look at some of the best platforms for email encryption and discuss their features. 


One of the most popular email platforms is Gmail. Gmail offers several features that make it an excellent choice for email encryption. For starters, it offers two-factor authentication (2FA), which adds extra security to your account. Additionally, Gmail uses SSL/TLS encryption for all messages, meaning your emails are always securely encrypted. 


Another great platform for email encryption is ProtonMail. ProtonMail is a Swiss-based email service that offers end-to-end encryption for all messages. This means that the intended recipient and no one else can read your emails. 



Sealit Encryption Platform 


Sealit offers email encryption protection for any email provider. Sealit offers seamless integration with Outlook and Gmail through native add-ins. While Sealit has native integrations with Gmail and Outlook, we also support any mail server through IMAP integration. Our solutions make it easy for you to implement end-to-end email encryption with just a few clicks. You can download our solution here





Email encryption is critical for financial service companies to protect client data. While several encryption solutions are available, we recommend our email encryption solution. Our software is easy to use and provides a high level of security for your customer's data. To get started, download our software here





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