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Gmail is one of the most popular services today. According to recent studies, Google's email client is used by 1.8 billion people worldwide. That number is increasing the likelihood of a cyberattack on your account. In 2021, Google blocked more than 100 million phishing and data breach attempts. But intruders won’t stop there, so it’s very important to ask these security questions: why should I encrypt emails sent from Gmail? How to securely send files via Gmail? And last but not least, why choose the Sealit Add-on? Hold tight as we answer that.

Gmail Encryption – TLS, S/MIME and Confidential Mode
Google relies on the encryption protocol that is called TLS (Transport Layer Security). How does the TLS encryption work? When you send your desired message, your browser will automatically contact Google’s server to secure the connection. Your content is then encrypted and decrypted several times until it reaches the desired destination. The red lock icon is an indication that the message isn’t secured for TLS, while the blue lock icon signifies a secured connection. Nowadays more and more email providers are adopting the TLS industry standard. However, there is a glitch to it – this method only operates if an encrypted message is sent to a Gmail address, and you can’t encrypt mailbox to mailbox.
Gmail and S/MIME
Gmail supports another proactive standard that is called S/MIME—or Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension. S/MIME (SMIME) is a type of end-to-end encryption solution that uses asymmetric cryptography to protect the correspondence between sender and recipient. That means that you have two keys – a public key to encrypt email and a private key to decrypt messages.
While the S/MIME standard has a good reputation in data and email protection, it also has certain flaws which must be highlighted. This encryption method is only able to function properly if both the sender and recipient have previously exchanged the keys in advance, meaning that both parties will have to use a service that supports the S/MIME standard. Furthermore, this Gmail extension doesn’t keep the encrypted email secured once it reaches its destination—Google still has all the rights to automatically scan the messages within Gmail.
Confidential Mode – Secure or not?
In response to ever-growing and worrying data security trends, Gmail had to introduce a new set of tools and features to protect the email accounts. So, in 2018, Google invented the Confidential Mode, with the initial purpose of adding an extra layer to the company's privacy policy. With that new anti-cybercrime measure came many questions about whether Confidential Mode was truly a security measure that we all needed. But first, let’s say something more about the Confidential Mode itself. With this feature, you can protect sensitive information from unauthorized or accidental sharing. Also, you can set a message expiration date, turn the mode on or off, revoke message access, and require a verification code by text to open messages.
On the downside:
-Google and other email service providers will still be able to see and even store your messages.
-If you set the expiration date, your content would stay in the Sent Gmail folder anyway.
Why you should use Sealit Add- on?
As pointed out above, there is a certain assurance that Google is working on ways to keep your email accounts secure, but as we see, there are also many flaws to it. While the statements of intent were already issued by the company, Google still hadn’t managed to go into a full end-to-end encryption mode. So, if you're looking for a high-end solution that adheres to the most relevant privacy policies, you should choose Sealit to be your defense tool against any potential threat.
Email encryption isn’t just a mechanism that secures your sensitive information; it’s a standard that every organization should be part of – no matter what kind of operating systems or email services you use.
Although we are witnessing a steady rise in email encryption options, the quantity does not always equal the quality of products.
Sealit is an exceptionally reliable tool that uses biometrics to secure both emails and files while integrating with your existing tools and platforms such as Skype, Slack, Dropbox, Google Workspace (G Suite), Gmail, and Microsoft Outlook while being compliant with GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA. Whether you use Sealit for internal or external communication, your data will be fully protected, and you'll have full control over data management. Sealit relies on the Zero Trust security model and it permanently prevents third parties from accessing the data while the specific content is transferred. With just one click and a 5-minute sign-in process, you’ll have full control over you data and detail insights into all activity around it.
Gmail Encryption with Sealit
Sealit uses biometric authentication for description, which both easier and more reliable than passwords - all it takes is your fingerprint or Face ID. Many encryption tools require a separate email address, but with Sealit you can use the same inbox as you already do.
How to encrypt and securely send files via Gmail (step- by-step)
After you install the Sealit Add-on, on the side panel at the right of your screen, the icon will appear as shown below.

You can get started with Sealit for free, and it will take less than 5 minutes. Choose between personal and business option (depending on what you'd wish to use Sealit for) and enter the required details.

Scan the QR code with your mobile device to set up the Sealit ID.

You can add or invite your team members to secure your internal communication (or you can skip and do it later):

After you click on the icon (at the bottom), there will be a Sealit Secure Mail window. Click on the option – COMPOSE SECURE MAIL:

You will be automatically redirected to a new sign-in window. Now, enter your email and password.

After you confirm identification with your mobile device, a new window will appear. The identification process is over, and now you can send encrypted messages without worrying if someone might corrupt your correspondence.

There is an option to log in directly from the official Sealit web page and this is what your page will look like.

Let's conclude this story as we began—with some reliable numbers. According to the report that was done by the Phenomenon institute, 68% of the organizations reported one or more endpoint attacks that successfully compromised the data and/or IT infrastructure. Intruders are constantly developing new ways to breach systems with one goal in mind – to harm your data. That is why you must be one step ahead of them.
Tools like Sealit give you insurance that your data will be safe from harm. All that can be done with the simplest process of registration, and what is most important, Sealit works silently without interfering with your regular activities. We can say that Sealit can take the form of a virtual shield – a shield that makes your email messages and files protected forever, online or offline.